Leavers Celebration 2019

In a change with tradition, the Year 13 Leavers’ Celebration was held at MAGS this year with a formal ceremony followed by a lively street food buffet-style banquet.
The evening provided a great opportunity for students to celebrate their time at MAGS with their families and farewell their peers.
The formal ceremony began in the FW Gamble Hall with Headmaster Patrick Drumm congratulating the students on their achievements and presenting the Head Prefects and their Deputies with the Prefect Trophies.
Head Boy Germain Hellriegel-White and Head Girl Takunda Muzondiwa reflected on the highs and lows of their five years at MAGS before the first group of Year 13s were presented with their graduation certificates and became Albertians.
Year 13 Deans Andy Belson and Shelley Mackinlay-Milne expressed satisfaction and some relief at seeing their charges graduate, and laid down a challenge for them to chase their dreams.
The second group of graduates were presented with their graduation certificates before the Leavers Video was played.
Guests then moved to the Atrium of the MH Building for a buffet dinner followed by a band that included Albertians Denzel Kelemete and Billy McColl, who laid down some catchy pop and funk classics.