Our Siapo mentor class was established in 2021 after numerous fonotaga about how our Pasifika learners could be best supported at MAGS.
Whilst Siapo is in the early stages of existence, an opportunity offering Pasifika learners to become part of MAGS via a Pasifika context cannot be understated.
The idea for Siapo came from the kaupapa governing the Puna classes currently offered at MAGS. All of our Pasifika nations are represented in Siapo as it is our belief ‘individual cords are strong, but when woven together we are an unbreakable rope’.
Siapo allows our students and mentor to host guest speakers during AMP time who bring with them a Pasifika focus, and a reinforcement of why cultural acceptance and balance is important to a person’s development.
More importantly, Siapo identifies and acknowledges cultural identity, differences and connection amongst our MAGS Pasifika students.
Both Siapo and Puna utilise a vertical form class structure, thus allowing five year levels to operate alongside each other; essentially this is a Tuakana Teina model.
Ms Nikita Kolose is the current mentor for Siapo, and supported by Ti’a Danny Liuliu-Afoa. There are currently 40 students in Siapo with 20 Year 9 & 10 students and the remaining 20 students comprise of Year 11 – 13 students.
The senior students work together with our junior students and, in essence, take on the role of peer mentors. Siapo students are included in the wider school and partake in their levels’ assemblies and sports days, just as they would should they opt to be part of a mainstream mentor class.
Each year we will take in ten Year 9 students via an application process. If you would like to receive an application form, please contact Mr Corey Todd [email protected] Deputy Principal for MAGS Pasifika.

Siapo 2021

Siapo 2022