A history of the school in 100 objects

A partnership between the BBC and the British Museum saw Neil MacGregor, Director of the Museum, selecting 100 Objects from the Museum’s collections, telling a history of humanity from the things that we have made. The items ranged from a basalt chopping tool from the Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania (used 1.8-2 million years ago) to a solar-powered lamp from China (present day).

The project was four years in the making, and went to air on Radio 4, in 2010 in 100, 15-minute episodes. It was a phenomenal success, with rave reviews and millions of listeners. There is a book and a website. Over 500 museums and like institutions throughout the UK have mounted linked events. The idea has been picked up by museums all over the world.

In like manner, though in a modest way (and not spoken), a History of the Mount Albert Grammar School in 100 Objects is an attempt to illustrate our history. Some of the images on the Historical Images section of the school website may be revisited in more detail, though most will be “new” objects that have not been described in any detail before.

This is a long-term project. The explanations of objects will be of variable length. In some cases the main focus leads into other objects or events. As each object is completed it will be added to this section of the website.

Members of the school community are welcome to suggest objects for consideration.

Brian Murphy, Archivist
[email protected]

Mount Albert Grammar School’s 100 objects